Torah Academy is committed to providing a safe and conducive learning environment for students, faculty, and staff. This Internet, WiFi, and Network Access Policy outlines guidelines and responsibilities regarding the use of our internet services, WiFi network, and school computer systems. By adhering to this policy, we aim to ensure appropriate and responsible use of our technology resources while fostering an environment that supports our educational mission.
Access Privilege
Access to the internet, WiFi network, and school computer systems at Torah Academy is a privilege granted to registered students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests.
Torah Academy reserves the right to grant, restrict, or revoke access privileges at its discretion, without prior notice or explanation.
Internet, WiFi and Network Access
Torah Academy provides internet access to faculty, staff, and authorized guests for educational and instructional purposes aligned with the school’s mission.
Internet access is available through the school’s WiFi network and computer systems, and users must adhere to this policy while utilizing these resources.
Users must authenticate themselves using the provided login credentials to access the WiFi network and network resources.
Torah Academy reserves the right to monitor and regulate internet usage to maintain network performance, security, and compliance.
Acceptable Use
Users are responsible for using the internet, WiFi network, and network resources in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner.
Acceptable use includes activities such as research, communication, collaboration, and accessing educational materials.
Unacceptable use includes, but is not limited to:
Network and System Security
Users must take appropriate measures to ensure the security of their devices connected to the WiFi network and network resources.
Users must not share their WiFi network login credentials or network/system access credentials with others.
Users are responsible for the security and appropriate use of their individual email accounts and passwords.
Users must promptly report any suspected security breaches, unauthorized access, unusual network/system activity, or receipt of an inappropriate or uncomfortable message.
Monitoring and Restrictions
Torah Academy reserves the right to monitor internet usage, WiFi network activity, and place reasonable restrictions on the material accessed by users.
Torah Academy may utilize filtering or blocking mechanisms to ensure compliance with acceptable use guidelines and legal requirements.
Torah Academy reserves the right to monitor and scan all user files on the internet, WiFi network, and school computer systems at any time to ensure compliance with policies and regulations.
Ownership of Records
All records generated through the use of the internet, WiFi network, and school computer systems, including emails and logs, are the property of Torah Academy.
Users should have no expectation of privacy regarding their use of these resources, and Torah Academy reserves the right to access, monitor, and review such records as deemed necessary.
Personal Devices
Users are permitted to connect their personal devices, such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones, to the Torah Academy WiFi network for educational purposes.
Personal devices must comply with the same security measures and acceptable use guidelines as the school-provided devices.
Consequences of Violations
Violation of this Internet, WiFi, and Network Access Policy may result in disciplinary action, loss of network privileges, or legal consequences, as appropriate.
Torah Academy reserves the right to investigate any suspected violations and take necessary actions to address the situation.
By accessing the internet, WiFi network, and school computer systems at Torah Academy, users acknowledge their understanding and agreement to comply with this policy.
Torah Academy reserves the right to modify or update this policy as needed.